This weekend I did something really fun Friday night. One of my favorite things to do actually. Friday when David came home after school we were shocked to find out the condo building was filled with the smell of propane. I was a little freaked out so we packed up the fur babies and went to get our weekly grocery order. We usually do this on Saturdays but that smell worried me and I took it as a great excuse to get the shopping for the week done. We stopped and got an orange herbal tea before we went.

I swear the SuperStore has me bugged. Every time I suggest that they come out with a blue menu product it follows within a couple months (If you don’t shop at the SuperStore, or know what it is, it is a grocery store and the Blue menu is simply their product line where they produce products that are healthier options and a great price). If any of the SuperStore big wigs see this, honestly contact me! I would love to give some great suggestions and write some reviews for your Blue menu products. That is not even a hint, it’s a statement.
Annnnnyways, look what I found…


And judging by the emptiness of this shelf everyone was as excited as me.

I have wanted this FOREVER!!! I have clients all over the world and the clients that have the hardest time finding greek yogurt are from Canada. Well, no more! PC Blue Menu answered my prayers! Oh, it is also a great price! LOVE!!!

So now you are asking “Why is greek yogurt so great?”

Greek Yogurt Quick Points (based on a 6 oz container of Greek Yogurt):

– contains only 2% of your daily carbohydrates
– 20% of daily values of calcium
– 15 grams of protein (30% of daily values)
– It does not contain any cholesterol or saturated fats
– Plain greek yogurt does not contain any artificial sugars/sweeteners (more info on the hazards of artificial sweeteners click here)

Nutrition Facts about Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is better for you than basic yogurt in many ways. It contains much more protein than ordinary yogurt (in some cases up to twice as much). A plain, low-fat yogurt may contain up to 12 grams of protein, but the Greek yogurt provides somewhere around 20 grams of protein from the same amount. Greek yogurt contains low amounts of carbohydrates. A regular brand of yogurt provides somewhere around 16 grams of carbohydrates, while the same amount of Greek yogurt contains only 9 grams of carbohydrates. In some brands of Greek yogurt the amount of carbohydrates is even smaller. Greek yogurt can also be considered as a healthy option for all those who suffer from diabetes with its low sugar content. Children, the elderly, and women also find it to be very beneficial because it contains high amounts of calcium. Greek yogurt contains 50 percent less sodium than the ordinary types of yogurt. It is also an excellent source of probiotics which are very helpful for digestion.

You can use this wonderful food in a sweet or savoury way. Two more reasons why I love it. It is so versatile! If you have tried greek yogurt and haven’t enjoyed it than you haven’t had it in the right way. Promise! Try some of these recipes and you will fall in love.


Use it plain anywhere you would use sour cream. One of my favorites is to add a dollop to my squash soup. Dip your sweet potatoes coins in your greek yogurt for a creamy change. Use to dip grilled meat in. It is a perfect side to your breakfast burrito, get dipping… (think Quesada with some salsa). Did you make my spinach dip yet? If not check out my recipe here. It is awesome. I recently added greek yogurt to may tomato pasta sauce to make it a tomato cream sauce. It rocked!

Here are some Savoury recipes!

Tzatziki – Cucumber Yogurt Dip

Cool and creamy, this tangy cucumber dip flavored with garlic is the perfect complement to grilled meats and vegetables. It’s served on the side with warm whole grain pita bread for dipping and is also used as a condiment for souvlaki.

• 3 tbsp. olive oil
• 1 tbsp. vinegar (I use apple cider)
• 2 cloves garlic, minced finely
• 1/2 tsp. salt
• 1/4 tsp. pepper
• 2 cup greek yogurt
• 2 cucumbers, peeled, seeded and diced
• 1 tsp. chopped fresh dill

Whisk together, chill for 2 hours before you serve.

Curry Mint Yogurt Sauce

This is simple, easy, and great with grilled vegetables, chili, seafood and meats. Try it as a dip with fresh veggies, or add a dollop to your favorite soup. Add as much or as little curry as you choose.

• 2 cups Greek yogurt (see below)
• 5 teaspoons of curry powder
• 1 3/4 tablespoons of fresh mint, chopped
• 1 1/4 tablespoons of honey

Whisk all ingredients together and chill until ready to use.

Eggplant Yogurt Dip

This eggplant dip with tahini and yogurt is a great dip for grilled or raw veggies.

• 2 round eggplants
• 3 tablespoons of Greek extra virgin olive oil
• juice of 1 lemon
• 2 tablespoons of tahini
• 1 cup of strained Greek yogurt
• sea salt
• 1/4 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped

Pierce the eggplant with a fork and broil for 10-15 minutes until the eggplant turns black and is very soft (Alternatively, char it on the grill, or over an open flame). Set to cool on a rack with paper towels underneath. Peel as soon as they can be handled.
Place one eggplant at a time in a bowl and mash with a fork. Add olive oil and lemon juice and mix well with a wire whisk. Add tahini and whisk until thoroughly blended. Add yogurt and continue to whisk. Add salt to taste.
Place dip in a serving bowl, sprinkle with parsley (if desired) and chill until you serve.


One way I love to use greek yogurt is in a shake for my protein source. It makes your shake or smoothie so thick and yummy! Here are the DAMY 101 smoothie and shake recipes! Try making your favorite of the shake recipes into popsicles! The greek yogurt makes them creamy and wonderful. It’s a great way to get healthy foods into the kids (cough, or husbands)

Do you see the heart? How awesome is that?

Add a cup of the greek yogurt to your favorite on-plan muffin recipe! I have provided a great recipe below. This will give you a protein boost and you will love the way your muffins are moist and fluffy.

You can easily turn plain geek yogurt into your favorite fruit flavor of yogurt simply by adding your favorite fruit and a splash of stevia (or agave) to sweeten! My personal favorite is one apple, one cup of greek yogurt, cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice and stevia. Simple and easy! This way you avoid the artificial sweeteners, extra sugars or sodium.

Here are some more great recipes.

Cranberry Orange Parfait

1 cup nonfat Greek yogurt
1 tsp. orange zest
½ tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. ground flaxseeds
1 orange, peeled and sliced
1 Tbsp. dried cranberries
1 Tbsp. unsalted chopped walnuts

Combine yogurt, orange zest,vanilla and flaxseeds in a bowl. Mix thoroughly. Spoon half of yogurt mixture into a tall glass. Layer half the orange slices, ½ Tbsp. cranberries, and ½Tbsp. walnuts. Top with remaining yogurt mixture and finish with remaining
orange slices, ½ Tbsp. cranberries and ½ Tbsp. walnuts. Makes 1 serving.

DAMY Greek Yogurt Parfait

1/4 cup dry oats (or what ever health cereal you have on hand)
1/4 cup strawberries (in the winter I only have mixed frozen berries so that is what I use)
7 walnuts
1 cup 0% greek yogurt
stevia (one small package)

Stir yogurt and stevia together. Layer the berries, oats and walnuts in a decorative fashion. Place your parfait into a martini glass if you want to feel fancy!

Zucchini Nut Muffins

1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon table salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 egg, beaten
1/3 cup agave, maple syrup or honey
1/2 cup low-fat plain greek yogurt
3 tablespoons canola or safflower oil
1 cup finely shredded zucchini
1 teaspoon pure vanilla
1/2 cup chopped toasted pecans or walnuts

1) Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place paper baking cups in 12 regular size (2 1/2-inch) muffin cups. Spray paper baking cups lightly with cooking spray.
2) Place flour, baking powder, salt, baking soda, cinnamon and ginger in a large bowl. Stir to combine; set aside.
3) Place egg, yogurt, oil, zucchini and vanilla in a medium bowl. Mix well. Add to flour mixture, stirring until just combined. Stir in nuts. Divide batter among muffin cups.
4) Bake 18 to 22 minutes or until browned and toothpick inserted in centers comes out clean. Cool in pan 5 minutes. Remove from pan and cool on wire rack. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Makes 12 muffins

Round up!

Savoury uses:
*Dips (spinach, Cucumber dill dip, Curry mint dip, egg plant dip)
*Anywhere you would use sour cream (mexican food…yummy)
*Add a dollop to your favorite soups
*Add to your tomatoes pasta to make it a creamy based sauce.

Sweet Uses:
*DAMY smoothies, shakes and popsicles
*Fruit based yogurt

I hope you enjoy these fun and delicious ways to have greek yogurt. I love getting excited about healthy foods. Allow yourself to try something new and shake it up! Don’t walk away from something because you didn’t enjoy it in a certain way just try something different. It is so fun! Let me know how you enjoy your greek yogurt by commenting on this blog below! I love to hear from you!

Have you tried greek yogurt before?

PS. Let me know which is your favourite out of the 101 DAMY Smoothie and Shakes!