Holidays, long weekends and family vacations are the best time of year. Everyone loves to live it up on vacation and for most it is much needed. Amy and I talk about how fully enjoying a vacation and stepping out of our routine is an extremely important component of keeping ‘balance.’ Having too many drinks or going beyond your normal eating pattern happens and on the other end it doesn’t feel great. For most it is a mad rush to get back into shape or back on plan where we feel ‘safe.’ The issue many have is not having a game plan to get back into their routine in the most efficient way possible. Here’s what we use to get us back on track fast.

These steps are each important on their own but together guarantee a successful recovery from indulgence. Try them and let us know how quickly you felt back in control.
Cleanse After the Holiday 10 Steps

Ten Steps to Detox after a Long Weekend



One of the most important things you can do to regenerate and restart your body is sleep. You need to make sure your circadian rhythm is back on its proper cycle. You can do this by shooting for 8-10 hours of sleep for the next 5 nights. Make sure to get to bed early in a dark room with no distractions. If possible try to wake up at your normal time no matter how you feel. Regenerating this cycle will tell your body its time to get back to normal.


With all the toxins built up from a weekend of campfire smoke, off-plan food, and other indulgences it is obvious we need a flush. This is not to mention the dehydrating alcoholic drinks and lack of water consumption that occurred during the weekend. Drink 2-3 Liters of water a day, period. This is an essential step in your detox.


No matter if you feel like it or not get back into your exercise routine. The following day after vacation is the perfect day to start exercising again. I know some of you will be itching to get back into the gym and some of you will be dreading it. For those of you who are dreading it just know that in the end it will feel like therapy. Endorphins will be flowing and the sweat will be dripping. The term “sweat it out” has a definite truth to it! Make sure to give it your all while working out. It’s not about working longer – its about working out harder. Use your energy from those extra ‘Long Weekend’ calories to power your workout to another level. Your body will love it.

Dandelion Root Tea

This tea is an important part of liver detoxification. Try one cup a day for the next three days. A great brand is Traditional Medicinals and it can be found at the Superstore. For a great herbal diuretic with liver tonic properties Dandelion leaf is good as well. Try dandelion tea and see how it makes you feel. You will be surprised.


This may not be a part of your routine but it should be. Work on lengthening your muscles that may be stiff or stagnant from a weekend of partying. Start with your quads and hamstrings holding each stretch for 30 seconds. You will feel more relaxed and mobile for your recovery week.

Avoid/Reduce Stress

If you are getting right back into a strenuous lifestyle or job do everything you can to reduce your stress. My favorites are meditate for 15 minutes a day, try a yoga class, go for a massage, take in a funny movie/laugh at something, or simply just take 30 minutes a day just to yourself to do what you like. Do everything you can to not get stressed out. You don’t want to contribute to an already worn out body.


You may have missed your vitamins all weekend… Get back on your multivitamin and omega 3s. You need to replenish your system that may have been depleted over the course of the weekend. These will help with mental clarity, detoxification, and cellular health. Trying to keep your skin healthy? Get your vitamins.

Get Back to Your Healthy Eating

Green veggies, lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains are essential in getting you back on track. For 5 days try to stay away from sweets. Pump up your nutrition by drinking a Green Drink every morning and including green veggies like broccoli and asparagus twice a day. DAMY Members – it’s time to get back on plan. Start right away.

Drink Green Tea

Now, more than ever, you need antioxidants to get rid of the free radicals you built up all weekend. One of my favorite ways to accomplish this is to drink green tea. My favorite brand right now is simply the PC Tropical Green Tea. Drink 2-3 cups of Green tea each day this week. If you haven’t done it before you will notice how amazing you feel from it.


Keep your mind at ease by being organized. Create a 5 day plan prioritizing what needs to get done. Don’t overdo it. Only plan to accomplish the essentials. Seeing it in front of you will relax your mind and reassure yourself that this week is going to go smoothly. From there, take it one day at a time. Include these ten steps in your plan. Simply write them out at the top of each page. Then, do them. You will feel great about how quickly you recover.

I love long weekends and always plan an indulgent experience for them. Perfecting these long weekend detox steps has been essential to getting back on track and into my healthy lifestyle routine. Without them the post-long-weekend drought would be more like a two week jet lag. They will be just as beneficial for you.

Some Other Great Detox Plans

*Note: If sugar was your main issue this past weekend you should try our Sugar Detox or, even better, The 21 Vegan Cleanse Challenge. Many of us love our sweets and seem to center our big weekend around an indulgent treat. Try the Sugar Detox in these situations. For a longer term, more advanced detox your best choice is the 3-Week Fat Blaster. This program is made to jumpstart your healthy lifestyle. It will force you to get back on track when it seems like there is no way you can do it. Try the Fat Blaster for an amazing detox, to surpass a plateau or to simply shed those last few pounds.

These steps represent a fast track back to your healthy lifestyle and successful weight loss journey. If you have any other recovery tips mention them in the comments. Have a great week!


Dr. David Duizer is a co-founder of and a Naturopathic Physician practicing in Vancouver, British Columbia. He is a passionate, driven, motivated leader in integrative medicine focused on optimal wellbeing, holistic healing and natural health.

To learn more about Dr. David Duizer Click Here. Connect with David on Twitter @davidduizer, Facebook, and Google+.