“Do Something You’ve Never Done”

“Do Something You’ve Never Done”

AMEN! If you are stuck you need to shake it up! I have women email me all the time and say, “I want to lose the last 10 pounds BUT these are the workouts I have always done and they are the workouts I want to keep doing.” Ummmmm ya…. If you keep...
What You Focus On Expands

What You Focus On Expands

Focus on what you are working for and not on what you are trying to be relieved of. What you focus on expands. If you focus on your problems you are giving them power and control of your emotions. Instead, focus on what you want to feel, experience or be. If you have...
Gratitude: A Note to DAMY

Gratitude: A Note to DAMY

I was thinking about December 2007 going for my first “jog” with my then boyfriend (now husband). I was excited to start to run yet was worried about how I would do. I was 30 pounds heavier at the time and had only really been doing “speed” walking until this point. I...
21 Day No-Complaints and Lean Down for Summer Challenge

21 Day No-Complaints and Lean Down for Summer Challenge

Welcome to the Challenge! So excited for everyone that is in on it! It has grown in the last couple days so I wanted to write out a couple points so we have some direction. There are 19 days left. If you have not joined yet, get in on it! Why? Well at the end of 19...
Make a Positive Change

Make a Positive Change

“You can’t make positive change unless you want to and are willing to stop fighting for the easy way out. You can not get to new heights doing the same old thing. So decide what you want to accomplish, hold yourself to a high standard, get the guidance you...