7 Ridiculously Easy Things All Healthy People Do

7 Ridiculously Easy Things All Healthy People Do

In long term health and wellness it’s the simple things. It really is. Minor changes can literally transform your health over time. Amy taught me this in 2008 when we decided to give up all animal protein/products (except fish and eggs for me) for good. I...
Natural Treatments for Mild and Moderate Depression #AskDrDuizer

Natural Treatments for Mild and Moderate Depression #AskDrDuizer

Who doesn’t know someone suffering with depression? At some point in life most people go through it (especially the more mild version). Like most mental/emotional disturbance there are a range of causes and different levels of severity. The effectiveness of...
Is aging in reverse possible?

Is aging in reverse possible?

Can we turn back the clock? Can we regain our youth? Is aging in reverse possible? The truth is that I don’t really know but do know it sure seems possible based on my own life experience. Most of the clients I work with come to me through the doorway of wanting to...
How Facing Struggle With Gratitude Changed My Life

How Facing Struggle With Gratitude Changed My Life

Having gratitude for the journey helps you realize how strong you really are. Looking back on the most significant, stressful, strenuous challenges in our lives has been one of the most freeing experiences we have had. We have had ups and downs, have felt exhausted...