This recipe is sweet, oooey, gooey and delicious. It embodies the rich flavors of Fall with the sweet spin of a sugar cookie crust. A little square of this recipe goes a long way. The fresh tartness of the apples mixed with the sweet density of the caramel topped off...
I love warm baked veggies in the Fall and Winter. I often enjoy them simply baked at a low temperature for a long time with just a little sea salt and pepper. Once in a while I get a craving for a “deep fried”-type flavored veggies. Now I would never get...
This recipe is good. A little goes a long way with this recipe. This is the perfect fix for a sweet craving without going overboard. A small slice with a cup of tea and you will be satisfied. The flavors of peanut butter and silky caramel go perfectly together. For...
This recipe is really simple to toss together and is perfect for chocolate cravings. You will enjoy the nutella flavor without all the added junk. With the pumpkin being the base you will feel full from the fiber plus receive the added benefits of vitamins and...
This recipe is Fall perfection. Add in that it is no-bake, raw and made with whole, natural ingredients and you have a dessert made in heaven. I love making vegan cheesecakes and especially raw/vegan cheesecakes because A- I love cheesecake and B- I try to avoid dairy...