Skinny Cocktails, Sugar-Free Simply Syrup and a Truvia Giveaway

Skinny Cocktails, Sugar-Free Simply Syrup and a Truvia Giveaway

Contest is now closed. See comments below to see if you won! So, I don’t know about you but the Holidays were whirl-wind for us!!! They blew by so fast. I am just now really taking in the fact that they are over. This season we traveled from the West Coast to the East...
Healthy Cinnamon Bun Cookies

Healthy Cinnamon Bun Cookies

Today is Day 16 of “DAMY’s 28 Days of Healthy Holiday Recipes!” This recipe came to be because my husband and I were craving a cinnamon bun but didn’t want to eat the white flour, white sugar, saturated oils or preservatives that come along with the...
DAMY Holiday Season Survival

DAMY Holiday Season Survival

The Holiday Season is in full swing. Over the next three weeks we need to keep it together. The Holidays are meant to be a happy time so lets focus on making this time as least stressful as possible. Here is what we’re going to do over these next three weeks at...
Gratitude: A Note to DAMY

Gratitude: A Note to DAMY

I was thinking about December 2007 going for my first “jog” with my then boyfriend (now husband). I was excited to start to run yet was worried about how I would do. I was 30 pounds heavier at the time and had only really been doing “speed” walking until this point. I...
Kimi’s Amazing Bikini Body Transformation

Kimi’s Amazing Bikini Body Transformation

This week I want you to meet Kimi (or Kim, Kimberly, Kimmie)! She goes by all here at DAMY! lol! Kimi is a past DAMY Bikini Body Program Member and now DAMY Lifestyle Program Member. Every week when Kimi checked in I was so excited to see her email! She was always so...