To anyone out there who feels like they don’t fit in: I have never felt like I belonged. When I was younger I cried a lot. I was “bullied” by girls, boys and even grown women. I was told many lies about myself during my younger years. These words of...
I love a good dense chocolatey cookie. I get even more excited when my cookies contain fiber, healthy fats, nutrients and protein. I have made Flourless Chocolate Fudge Cookies with chickpeas before but they contained eggs so I wanted to do a vegan version of this...
There is only one way to set your day up for success. There is only one way to ensure you get the start you need to feel good, be present and enjoy your day. That is to create and practice your ultimate morning routine. We have learned this the hard way here at DAMY....
Over the past three years I have been extremely passionate and motivated about helping others heal from the effects of intense stress leading to adrenal fatigue, burnout and low mood (depressive states). This passion began when Amy was deep into burnout after her...
I am blessed to have now worked with thousands of women all over the world in their health, wellness and weight loss goals. One group of women who are near and dear to my heart are those who come to me with PCOS. These women often come to me near hopeless and with the...