Note: Click the pictures below to view the recipes.

Below you will find all my favorite appetizers, bites, dips and snacks for entertaining. These are awesome for any occasion but are super perfect for the up coming Super Bowl.

Snacking can be healthy! It can also be packed with nutrients without anyone knowing 😉

If you are having people in for a big event try making some of these options below. If you are going to a party make one and bring it along! Shake things up and try healthy options out. You will find that you also feel much better the next day after the party. We all know that alcohol can cause a “hangover” but we don’t often talk about the fact that food can too! And a lot of the time we are more feeling “hungover” from the food we eat than from the alcohol. Loading your system with chemicals, fats, added sugars and lets face it…pure junk will have you feeling horrible the next day as your body tries to process it. Take a healthy step this time and make healthy recipes as shown below!

All of the following recipes are packed with fibre, made with whole, natural ingredients and are nutrient dense. There are a mix of low carb, vegan, non-vegan recipes below. All are made with the best ingredients that are simple to find.

Please be safe and have a great time.


The Best (Healthy) Super Bowl Bites


























My favorite cocktail:



Amy Layne is the Co-Owner of DAMY Health Online and Coach Specializing in Holistic Nutrition, Fitness, Self-Love, Goal Realization, Inspiration and Living Your Best Life. She is the creator of the world famous DAMY Method and Bikini Body Programs. To see Amy’s Before and After Photos and DAMY Member Success Stories Click Here. For Amy’s complete story go

Connect with Amy on Twitter @damyhealth and on Facebook.