This recipe is something that will be in my refrigerator in the Fall season from now on. It is so much better than apple sauce and regular apple butter. It is pure, natural and so easy to make. This spiced apple pumpkin butter is perfect as a spread (on muffins or...
This recipe is good. A little goes a long way with this recipe. This is the perfect fix for a sweet craving without going overboard. A small slice with a cup of tea and you will be satisfied. The flavors of peanut butter and silky caramel go perfectly together. For...
This recipe is really simple to toss together and is perfect for chocolate cravings. You will enjoy the nutella flavor without all the added junk. With the pumpkin being the base you will feel full from the fiber plus receive the added benefits of vitamins and...
I swear I make meals for my family everyday I am just the worst at taking photos of them. I also tend to find my meals boring because I forget that just because I have eaten them for years doesn’t mean other people have. I’m sincerely trying to get better...
This recipe came together so smoothly and simply. My husband absolutely loved it. If you have peanut butter fans in your house this recipe is a sure win. For this recipe I used individual single serving rectangular silicone moulds. You can use these as well or you can...
This recipe is Fall perfection. Add in that it is no-bake, raw and made with whole, natural ingredients and you have a dessert made in heaven. I love making vegan cheesecakes and especially raw/vegan cheesecakes because A- I love cheesecake and B- I try to avoid dairy...
This recipe is surprisingly simple and delicious. I’m shocked at how much I love this recipe. I may or may not have had it for breakfast this morning. (Shhh… don’t tell) I love taking classic favorite treats and giving them the healthy, whole foods...
This recipe is a super delicious, super clean treat option. This recipe was sent to me by Amy Elaine (shout out for this awesome idea!). She found this delicious looking recipe and wanted me to give it the ‘DAMY’ spin. I turned this recipe into a whole...
I can’t remember the last time I had an actual cooked cinnamon bun made from flour. With all the cinnamon bun flavored creations I’ve made over the years I just never feel the urge to turn to the baked/traditional option. I have made Skinny Cinnamon Bun...
I am a person that very rarely gets sick. When I do get sick or I’m beginning to get sick I have an extremely hard time recognizing the feeling. Instead of slowing down and taking care of myself (like I advise all of my DAMY Health community members) I start to...