The Best Sources of Plant Based Iron

The Best Sources of Plant Based Iron

I have wanted to write about the best sources of plant based iron for a while now. There is a common misconception that you need to eat meat to reach adequate iron levels. In reality on average meat eaters suffer from equal rates of iron deficiency compared with...

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Cookie Dough Cheesecake Bites

Cookie Dough Cheesecake Bites

This recipe is perfect for the holiday season! Everyone in your house, from vegan to carnivore, will love this recipe. These cookie dough cheesecake bites are vegan, dairy free, gluten free, no-bake, high fiber, healthy fats and a wonderful party treat. I love doing...

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The Best Secretly Healthy Fudgy Brownies

The Best Secretly Healthy Fudgy Brownies

I am so excited to share this recipe with you today. My husband and I agree that these Secretly Healthy Fudgy Brownies are the best recipe I have created this year! David said that this is his favorite baked dessert recipe I have ever made period. I, myself, was...

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Super Simple Vegan Supper Ideas

Super Simple Vegan Supper Ideas

I hope you are having a wonderful day today! 

 This article is about vegan supper options but you do not have to be vegan to enjoy them. You can all enjoy as many non-meat meals as you desire! If you choose to eat meat as your protein source you can also use these...

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Zesty “Cheesy” Kale & Crunchy Sriracha Chickpea Bowl

Zesty “Cheesy” Kale & Crunchy Sriracha Chickpea Bowl

I have been enjoying this toss-together recipe a lot lately. I am kind of addicted to it. This Zesty "Cheesy" Kale & Crunchy Sriracha Chickpea Bowl is really easy to make, tastes amazing, is filling, crunchy and satisfies my "crunchy, salty, savoury" cravings....

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The Best 21 Day Vegan Cleanse

The Best 21 Day Vegan Cleanse

This month is a fantastic time to take a break from meat and dairy and experience the wonderful health benefits of a plant-based diet. To cleanse you do not need expensive juices, supplements or prepared shakes. All you need is a real food, high fiber, nutrient dense...

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How to Break Free From Toxic Relationships

How to Break Free From Toxic Relationships

Today I was triggered by an old relationship pattern. I was hurt and frustrated. I found myself (once again) trying to get love, support and friendship from one source that is unwilling to give it to me freely. I, at the same time, was blocking all the other sources...

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How being jealous blocks your good

How being jealous blocks your good

I have, in the past, found myself feeling frustrated and angry from comparing my journey to others'. I would see others' experiencing (what I perceived) as a smoother journey to health, weight loss, love, relationships, financial security, business success, etc and I...

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge Brownie

Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge Brownie

This Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge Brownie recipe is no-bake, raw, vegan, super simple to make and tastes divine. If you are a chocolate and peanut butter fan you will enjoy this recipe. The bottom layer of this recipe is a nutty, raw, chocolate brownie. The top layer...

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Sweet and Salty Roasted Maple Chickpeas

Sweet and Salty Roasted Maple Chickpeas

I am still (7 years later) in love with roasted chickpeas. I use roasted chickpeas as a snack, on salads, in soups and on top of roasted vegetables. For me they have replaced popcorn, chips, croutons, you name it. I love mixing up my flavors of roasted chickpeas...

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