Epi 81: What it’s like to live in nature for three days

Epi 81: What it’s like to live in nature for three days

In today’s episode we discuss the “three-day-rule”. This is a new concept recently highlighted in National Geographic that says when you reach three days immersed in nature your creativity doubles. This is just one of the incredible benefits nature...
Epi 81: What it’s like to live in nature for three days

Epi 80: Be careful what you read on the internet

In today’s episode we discuss the health and wellness “noise” on the internet. Over the last few years everyone online has become an expert and false/dangerous information has been spread (with good intentions – most of the time). It is so...
Epi 81: What it’s like to live in nature for three days

Epi 79: Can Tylenol make you not care about other’s feelings?

In today’s episode we discuss how new studies have shown that Tylenol can cause a lack of empathy. New research shows that taking the medication acetaminophen can cause you to assess the pain of others as less than you would believe if you didn’t take the...
Epi 81: What it’s like to live in nature for three days

Epi 78: How I center myself in times of stress

In today’s episode we discuss the power of self reflection. Gratitude exercises aren’t for everyone, meditation isn’t a starting place many are comfortable with and entering into spirituality can be a daunting task. Self reflection and remembering...
Roasted Mediterranean Salad (Vegan)

Roasted Mediterranean Salad (Vegan)

This salad is super easy to toss together, isn’t fussy on portions or ingredients and can be tailored to your taste. This is a simple salad that is packed with vegan protein that I have been enjoying lately. It is super filling and can be enjoyed as a salad,...
Epi 81: What it’s like to live in nature for three days

Epi 77: When working harder actually has negative effects

In today’s episode we discuss “overworking”. In modern culture pushing your body to the limit in the workplace is accepted, honored and often promoted. Throughout our experience as entrepreneurs we have seen burnout and understood some of the short...
Epi 81: What it’s like to live in nature for three days

Epi 76: Does candida cause memory loss?

In today’s episode we discuss the most recent research in natural medicine. Could obesity be contagious? I think you can “catch” certain lifestyle choices that lead to obesity and David has new research to show that certain bacteria can be...
Epi 81: What it’s like to live in nature for three days

Epi 75: Do all of these diet teas and “teatoxes” work?

Is today’s episode we discuss the newest diet fad – The Teatox. Diet teas have been out forever but recently they have become extremely popular. The problem? They are mostly laxatives. In today’s show we cover the good, bad and ugly about detox teas....
Being a mean vegan is just plain crazy

Being a mean vegan is just plain crazy

Can we talk about being mean on the internet for a minute? Can we all acknowledge that it is insane and has no upside? I find the the most insane mean behaviour comes up around really uncontroversial things. Like, what I eat for lunch or my use of the word...