Happy International Women’s Day! How fitting after yesterday on our Facebook Page 🙂
My hope and prayer is that women BE the change that is needed in the world. I pray all women NO MATTER WHAT only lift each other up.
We live in a world where people can hid behind computers and say the most vulgar things yet those same people will share pictures here on fb about “ending violence against women” or “anti bullying”. If you believe in these causes then do your part.
Gossip, judging others looks or just spreading hate/judgement is adult’s form of bullying. It IS an attack on women (and also where children learn it).
Lets stand together today and pledge to end this insanity. We as women have the power to change the world one kind gesture at a time. Be kind today. Lift up another woman and tell her how fabulous she is just for being her 🙂 (then repeat everyday)
Shine Bright
Just know that when you shine your light it may shock people. It may confuse them to see someone so bright/light/happy.
This may cause them to lash out to make themselves feel comfortable. That is their inner work to deal with and has nothing to do with you.
Do not dim to make others comfortable. Show them what is possible. May we all shine so bright 🙂
Forget Your Story
All to often I hear individuals saying “well, I have never had success before so I don’t know if I will now” or ” I always start out strong than go off plan” or “I always plateau at (you pick the number).”
When you make these statements you are subconsciously creating your future. The past has no power on today unless you decide to let it. The above statements are letting your past become a pattern.
Today shift your energy and thoughts onto your goals only and the things that need to be done today to create them. You want change? You want to see those goals realized? Forget your story and your past.
When creating goals that seem large or take more time you need to learn blind faith. Some goals take time and gestation to show their results. Do not give up! Have faith. Forget your past.
Do what you have to do today to create what you want in the future and focus only on all the great things that are possible. These shifts in thinking have completely transformed my life.
I feel blessed to be able to share these things that have worked amazingly in my life with you today.
Feeling Electrified
I was 23 on the left and I am 30 here on the right (taken last week). It’s an electrifying feeling when you feel you look and feel younger as you age.
True health is where it’s at 🙂 #happiness #success #love #bliss #freedom #selflove #feelalive
Dig Deep, Have Faith and Keep Going.
If there is one thing “I know for sure” It would have to be:
– When the world is crashing down around you…Dig Deep, Have Faith and Keep Going. It’s right on the other side of this turmoil that greatness is waiting.
Wow, what a beautiful way to start my work day. I guess my message is getting out to the world. I am so grateful.
Thank you to all of you that share the love that is DAMY Health xo
Wow, truth bomb
Try this before breakfast tomorrow morning 🙂
“The only people I want close to me in my life are those that are going to pray for me and fight for me. Celebrate with me and cry with me. Those are the people I need in my inner circle of life” – Amy Layne