Here are DAMY’s 7 essential tips to keep you on track while on vacation! Whether it’s a working trip or a family holiday the following tips will ensure you stay on track with your weight loss and fitness goals while traveling. I’ve had many DAMY Members actually lose weight while away from home using this simple game plan. This is a post you’ll want to reference often. It can be used to help you get through anywhere from 12 hours away from home to weeks of vacation.


Healthy Traveling Guide – Lose Weight on the Road

1) My number one tip and the most important is to plan for success! Without a plan you plan to fail. Figure out how many days you are staying, if there is a fridge or if you can request one. Many hotels will give you a fridge in your room with no charge if you simply ask. If you don’t have one! Easy! Get ice and load up your sink or a garbage can (use a bag if you do this one…lol) and put all your food that needs to be cold on top!

2) Make sure to bring the essentials with you. Here’s what you need:

  • A soft cooler that is the right size for your trip (depending on length of time away). If you do not own a soft cooler most grocery stores and gas stations have “hot or cold” travel packs. They are inexpensive and can be found everywhere.
  • Pack sliver wear (all the basics)
  • Re-usable, stainless steel water bottle
  • Protein Shaker

3) Make and pack all your breakfasts ahead of time! This way you will start your day off right and you will feel great about it! This simple move will set the rest of your day up for success. Your blood sugars will be balanced and your moods will be great leading to great decisions the rest of the day.

4) Use this simple recipe for your travel breakfast. It’s tasty, easy to make and takes up no room!


In small ziplock bags portion out 1 Cup Old Fashioned Oats, 2 Tbsp Ground Flax, 1 Scoop Protein Powder, and 2 Tbsp Dried Fruit (natural unsweetened like raisins or cranberries) and Stevia (if desired).

Make up as many as you need for the amount of time you will be away. For breakfast simply pour your mixture into a bowl an add hot water. It’s an instant, perfect breakfast that’s great for travel!

5) Prepare the following to bring with you. These will be your go-to energy source when you are hungry, tired and need a quick fix.



6) Use this list of great food choices when it’s time for a meal.

  • Find a local farmers market when you get to your location. Pick up a salad, blueberries, hummus, and whole grain wraps (what a yummy lunch for the next couple of days).
  • When eating at a restaurant don’t be afraid to ask for a grilled, plain chicken breast or fish. Ask for veggies steamed or plain. Baked sweet potatoes are a great carb choice! For breakfast you can always ask for hard boiled eggs, fresh fruit, and dry whole grain toast.
  • Things like “delis” have great whole grain sandwiches and other healthy, local options. Don’t be afraid to say no mayo and just mustard, lean protein and lots of veggies.
  • Wendi’s and McDonald’s have great salads now. I know there’s an asian chicken salad that is amazing! Make sure to get an oil dressing and skip croutons and extra cheese. Wendi’s also has a great chili that is an okay choice.
  • Head to the grocery store and grab a veggie tray for snacking. There are always hot baked chicken and great fruit trays as well!

7) Workout bands leave you no excuse not to get your workout in. You can substitute any weight exercise with your workout bands. If your hotel doesn’t have a gym you can also get your cardio in but supersetting your weights with jump squats, burpees, and jumping jacks. DAMY Members have great workouts that can be done in the hotel room and take up no space. They can be found on the members-only site under Supplemental Workouts.

Have fun on your trip and take the anxiety of your diet plan out of the picture. Life is about balance. Have your treats while on vacation but keep it clean 80% of the time! Let me know how your trips go and how you’ve incorporated these DAMY tips into your travel!