
Hi Amy! Great advice. Everything you said makes sense…but that doesn’t make it any easier to change bad habits, hence the saying “Old habits are hard to break”. I agree that recognizing what foods are healthy is not rocket science, but to many people (myself included!), convincing yourself to eat these foods and not default to those oh so tasty “junk foods” is (maybe even harder!!), in some cases requiring oneself to find the strength to break an actual addiction to food. I realize that you are not a therapist(!), but do you have any advice on how to break this cycle and commit to a lifestyle change for a healthy mind and body? Interested to hear your opinion!!
You look fabulous by the way…you always were a beautiful little girl:)

Thanks so much!

It sure is all about the mind body connection! I have done a lot of work in educating myself in the mind body connection to eating! One of the years in my studies was based on this underlying issue with women and the emotional connection with food. If you have read my blog, or website I talk about this often.

I have developed my programs the way I have to fill that void that exists in the diet world. Anyone can buy an eating/workout program and follow it. Some will lose weight and some will not. About half will gain the weight back UNLESS they deal with the underlying issue that has caused them to gain the weight in the first place. This is what I do! I work with each client on an individual basis. I support my clients and talk to many daily via email. I understand it and not only am I educated in the field and continue to update my education but I have lived it! I have watched my family live it and many of my clients for years in my aesthetic business.

I love what I do and have a true passion for showing women their worth and helping them deal with and figure out not only how to lose weight but how to keep it off for life! It is a challenge at first, but it becomes second nature. Then again, what in life that is really worth it doesn’t pose some challenge!

If you are looking for an online program girl I am here! I have many options! I will tell you one thing I know for sure, Anyone can break the chains of emotional eating and genetics.

It is funny how life happens! This is the daily I sent out to my clients that very day I received this question!

Break the Cycle!

I wanted to share this email I received today. I often talk to you about emotional eating and that the best thing we can do for ourselves is overcome it! I believe in these principles from Tosca Reno.  Never feel afraid to talk to me about your own struggles with emotional eating. It is real and I am here to help you have that breakthrough to gain inner strength in order to overcome it once and for all. We all have our moments. It is about how we end up that counts!


Of all the bad habits followers of The Eat-Clean Diet® face, emotional eating is the hardest to break. Often, when we eat emotionally, we reach for junk food and lots of it, and that can have huge effects on our ability to achieve our health and fitness goals.

To break the cycle, we need to recognize what emotional eating is. If you are suddenly stricken with hunger or have a craving that can be fulfilled by only the specific food you are thinking about, it is likely that your hunger is emotional and not physical. Genuine hunger comes on gradually, not all of a sudden, and if you’re really hungry you will find many foods to be satisfying, not just what you are craving.

The sudden onset of hunger is triggered by an emotional event. All of us have been conditioned to eat food when we’re sad, bored, frustrated, anxious and even when we’re happy (think of all the times we choose to celebrate an event with cake and desserts). Emotional eating also tends to become a vicious cycle of self-sabotage. Once we allow ourselves to eat emotionally, we feel guilty, and that guilt feeds another bout of emotional eating that moves us even further away from our goals.

The most important step in breaking the cycle is being able to recognize your triggers. For the next week, track your meals in a food journal. Along with your meals, you should write down your cravings and what your emotional state was before you experienced the craving (remember, it can be anything ranging from happiness to sadness to boredom to anger). If you give in, write down how you feel after you satisfy your craving. If you don’t give in, I also want you to write down how you feel. At the end of the week, look at your journal and reflect on the moments when your cravings struck.

Now that you know your triggers, here are 7 tips to help you beat them!

1. Eat Clean.
When you’re Eating Clean, you’re eating 5-6 small meals a day. You won’t be hungry because you’ll be eating the right portions of food for you and you’ll be getting the right balance of lean protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates to properly nourish your body. With meals every 2-3 hours and with the guidance , you shouldn’t suffer the cravings caused when we don’t supply our bodies with the proper nutrients.

2. Wait it out.
Once you’ve recognized that your craving is not genuine hunger, you can acknowledge it and choose not to feed it. Engage in another activity to take your mind off of the craving. Give yourself time to let the feeling pass. Even if it does linger, you can help beat it by eating your next Clean meal.

3. Don’t deprive yourself.
The next time you are tempted by a craving, stop and reflect on your hunger. If you’ve determined that you are genuinely hungry, eat a small Clean snack made of almonds and a piece of fruit or maybe a few carrots with a bit of hummus. Keeping yourself hungry will only intensify the craving and leave you more prone to giving in.

4. Get support.
If the emotions that triggered your craving are negative ones, manage it in a way that isn’t eating. If you need to vent, EMAIL ME  and let it out! I am here to listen to you and even give you advice on how to deal with your troubles!

5. Create a new habit.
In the end, if you want to stop emotional eating, you have to find ways other than eating to manage stress, alleviate boredom and show love. When I need a mental break from my chaotic life, I grab my running shoes and hit the treadmill. When I want to show my family that I love them, I spend quality time with them playing games, going for walks or even goofing off and sharing some laughter.

6. Moderation not elimination.
In the beginning, breaking this habit may be tough and you may give into your cravings more often than you’d like. Try dividing comfort foods into small portions. For example, reach for a snack-sized chocolate bar rather than a full-sized one. Better yet, if you have a chocolate craving, reach for a square of dark chocolate. Eat one, and have the strength to walk away.

7. There’s no such thing as failure.
As I said, there will be times when you give into the craving. Don’t think of this as a personal failure but as an opportunity to improve yourself. When you label yourself as a failure, you’ll only provide yourself with the negative emotions that trigger an episode of emotional eating.

Have a Great Week!