I swear I make meals for my family everyday I am just the worst at taking photos of them.

I also tend to find my meals boring because I forget that just because I have eaten them for years doesn’t mean other people have. I’m sincerely trying to get better at including my savory dishes into the blog more.

I wanted to start with this recipe that my husband and I love. Here in Vancouver, BC we have a restaurant called White Spot that makes killer sweet potato fries. It takes everything in my body not to order these fries.

Now, these fries would be fine once in a while but they are deep fried. So when my husband and I get a craving for sweet potato fries this is the recipe we turn to.

The avocado garlic mayo combined with the sweet and spicy sweet potato fries is a match made in heaven. This is a recipe you will turn to over and over.

For more of my favorite savory DAMY Dishes check out the links below:



This recipe is vegan, gluten free, no added sugar, grain free, dairy free, egg free and made with all natural, whole ingredients.

Healthy sweet potato fries recipe1

Spicy Sweet Potato Fries with Avocado Garlic “Mayo”

Prep time: 10 Minutes – Cook time: 20-27 Minutes (until golden brown) – Total time: 30 Minutes
Yield: Makes 3-4 Servings

Sweet Potato Fries Ingredients:

  • 2 Large Sweet Potatoes
  • 2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 3 Tbsp Sriracha
  • 1/2 Tsp Salt
  • 1/4 Cup Coconut Flour (or Almond Flour)

Avocado “Mayo” Dip Ingredients:

  • 2 Avocados (peeled and pitted)
  • 1 Tsp Finely chopped fresh garlic or garlic paste
  • 1/2 Tsp Sea Salt
  • 1 Tbsp Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice


  1. Pre-heat your oven to 450F.
  2. Chop sweet potatoes into ‘pinky’ or ring-finger-sized fries and place in a bowl.
  3. Melt your coconut oil and pour over fries coating all evenly.
  4. Next, stir in your sriracha and coat your fries evenly.
  5. Throw in the flour and salt coating the fries evenly.
  6. On a parchment-lined baking sheet evenly single layer fries and place in the oven for 20 minutes.
  7. Just before the fries are done place all avocado mayo ingredients into your food processor and blend until smooth. Serve with sweet potato fries.
  8. Remove sweet potato fries from the oven and enjoy with the avocado “mayo”.

DAMY Members – 1/2 Cup of fries can be used as your healthy carbohydrate for lunch or 1 cup of fries can be used for meal 2 or 4 with 1/4 cup of Avocado “Mayo”.
Healthy sweet potato fries1
spicy sweet potato fries1
The best sweet potato fries1

Amy Layne is the Co-Owner of DAMY Health Online and Coach Specializing in Holistic Nutrition, Fitness, Self-Love, Inspiration and Living Your Best Life. She is the creator of the world famous DAMY Method and Bikini Body Programs. To see Amy’s Before and After Photos and DAMY Member Success Stories Click Here. For Amy’s complete story go

Connect with Amy on Twitter @damyhealth and on Facebook.